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alphapuzzle friday 2 manudave 29th March 2019, 12:23
» by manudave
Me again 5 maurie1939 29th March 2019, 06:36
» by mattrom
Struggling with the Times crossword 27306. 2 dumbmerv 28th March 2019, 20:23
» by mattrom
I cryptic 7 thomas 28th March 2019, 19:01
» by brendan
I Cryptic 2538 3 peterj 28th March 2019, 13:40
» by peterj
Listener 4547, May Contain Answers... 48 malone 28th March 2019, 12:20
» by malone
i Cryptic 2538 3 diablos 28th March 2019, 11:10
» by diablos
Clueless 416 39 ginge 28th March 2019, 10:22
» by paul
Eye 647 4 twoteas 28th March 2019, 03:54
» by jacanterbury
For jazzgirl 5 aristophanes 27th March 2019, 18:40
» by jazzgirl
EV 1375 38 cockie 27th March 2019, 17:21
» by bigf
Seen but not heard quiz 13 betty 27th March 2019, 15:19
» by malone
Everyman 3780 1 dandybandy 27th March 2019, 13:59
» by brendan
i Cryptic 2537 4 diablos 27th March 2019, 11:31
» by mamya
ST4843 3 jimmyd 26th March 2019, 21:17
» by chips
Wall Street Journal 20190323 4 syzygy 26th March 2019, 20:22
» by aristophanes
Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 6 ollyblue 26th March 2019, 17:34
» by ollyblue
Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 1 ollyblue 26th March 2019, 16:48
» by mamya
Inquisitor 1587 29 mjk 26th March 2019, 16:44
» by aslac
i Cryptic 2536 8 diablos 26th March 2019, 13:31
» by diablos
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