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5D 3 ben 27th March 2010, 23:34
» by ben
answers are connected with diamonds 3 billie 27th March 2010, 23:23
» by mamya
Yorks Post 2 zorba 27th March 2010, 23:16
» by zorba
daily record £500 xword 3 lucifer sam 27th March 2010, 22:10
» by lucifer sam
TIMES 24.496. 7 ron. 27th March 2010, 21:45
» by ron
daily record 4 haggishunter 27th March 2010, 21:30
» by caravaggio
Belfast Telegraph 3 barns 27th March 2010, 21:28
» by barns
SAT DAILY RECORD 4 millie 27th March 2010, 20:55
» by millie
Times 2 864 3 ob 27th March 2010, 20:38
» by ob
South Wales Post Cryptic 9 claire 27th March 2010, 20:07
» by colin (swansea jack)
times 864 2 gill 27th March 2010, 19:35
» by gill
times 864 3 rosie 27th March 2010, 19:00
» by rosie
no 864 13 eileen 27th March 2010, 18:58
» by rosie
DT 26,199 6 jan 27th March 2010, 18:36
» by jan
cryptic 8 zed 27th March 2010, 16:41
» by ajt
TLS825 5a 7 mh 27th March 2010, 16:17
» by nc4bbq
no 179642931834 1 pipette 27th March 2010, 15:32
» by bookbinder
dawn 1 twilight 27th March 2010, 15:31
» by bookbinder
Daily Record 2 elaine 27th March 2010, 15:30
» by ajt
cryptic 2 jeddazuzu 27th March 2010, 14:46
» by john (from arran)
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