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Topic Replies Started by Last post
RTE GUIDE 14 3 dopey 1st April 2010, 11:10
» by dopey
Times Jumbo Cryptic 864 5 ali 1st April 2010, 10:36
» by ali
baffled 2 pseudonym 1st April 2010, 09:17
» by caravaggio
what a fantastic site 2 erik estrada 1st April 2010, 08:04
» by huggybear
Depression crossword :( 1 serge 1st April 2010, 01:56
» by eeyore
DONY CALL ME A FUCKING TROLL RUDE BITCH 3 whatever 31st March 2010, 23:43
» by rude bitch
THE JOKER 2 trudie 31st March 2010, 23:34
» by ..
connected with london 4 danny 31st March 2010, 22:51
» by andy
TINKY 0 tinky 31st March 2010, 22:41
» by tinky
4Marnie 4 weird 31st March 2010, 22:27
» by marnie
I AM NOT A TROLL 0 wendy 31st March 2010, 22:23
» by wendy
who is the troll bitch? 0 viv 31st March 2010, 22:08
» by viv
tyty 5 rt 31st March 2010, 22:05
» by viv
Last one! Cryptic 864!! 5 magmac 31st March 2010, 20:19
» by magmac
Yorks Post x-word No 1062 4 zoomer 31st March 2010, 20:07
» by zoomer
Times Cryptic 864 6 magmac 31st March 2010, 20:00
» by magmac
containers great and small 10 telegraph 31st March 2010, 19:01
» by goofy
Cryptic - local paper 4 mia 31st March 2010, 16:49
» by eeyore
Containers 8 bruno 31st March 2010, 16:14
» by zeno
Times Jumbo 864 28 magmac 31st March 2010, 16:04
» by edwardbear
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