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Diamonds 13 jaybe 28th March 2010, 15:53
» by billie
TIMES. 24.496. 4 ron. 28th March 2010, 15:53
» by ron
Irish Times Crosaire No. 14,114 2 beegee 28th March 2010, 14:26
» by beegee
Irish Times Crossaire No. 14,114 4 beegee 28th March 2010, 14:10
» by jimc
sat daily record big1 5 lucifer sam 28th March 2010, 14:09
» by lucifer sam
Sun Tel Cryptic 3 suki 28th March 2010, 13:52
» by big dave
Times2 Jumbo 864 5 sheila 28th March 2010, 13:36
» by horwichgirl
Daily Record Sat.crossword 3 supergran 28th March 2010, 13:03
» by lucifer sam
Sat daily record 2 gran 28th March 2010, 12:32
» by anne
Times Jumbo 864 1 horwichgirl 28th March 2010, 12:13
» by wendy
Times Cryptic Jumbo 864 3 kitty 28th March 2010, 11:57
» by kitty
belfast telegraph 27th 2 yeeyee 28th March 2010, 11:44
» by ajt
Macmillan Rhyming quiz 5 purplebird 28th March 2010, 10:55
» by chrisg
Times Cryptic 24117 18D 2 times_addict 28th March 2010, 10:19
» by times_addict
The Skeleton - Again !! 4 alan 28th March 2010, 09:29
» by alan
Sunday Mail 2 anne 28th March 2010, 09:03
» by anne
Generalist April 5 sudokulover 28th March 2010, 07:37
» by sudokulover
Who said it? 3 chuckle 27th March 2010, 23:46
» by chuckle
Yorks Post 3 zorba 27th March 2010, 23:46
» by zorba
5D 3 ben 27th March 2010, 23:34
» by ben
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