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Times 1 mitch 3rd April 2010, 17:48
» by mamya
Times 24,502 5 hutch 3rd April 2010, 17:42
» by leslie
Daily Record 2 elaine 3rd April 2010, 17:40
» by elaine
DT26,205 3 paul 3rd April 2010, 17:16
» by jimbo
Scotsman no.2868 2 georgeg 3rd April 2010, 17:10
» by mamya
last clue- Times cryptic 2 stellaselecxi 3rd April 2010, 17:06
» by stellaselectxi
BEP NO 987 2 ann 3rd April 2010, 16:19
» by ann
guardian easter special 5 fleur 3rd April 2010, 15:56
» by fleur
How's your Latin? 4 carol 3rd April 2010, 15:39
» by carol
Times 24,502 3 diana 3rd April 2010, 15:26
» by diana
Local paper 3 jcb 3rd April 2010, 15:17
» by jcb
Last Clue 1 dawn 3rd April 2010, 12:34
» by henry
RTE Guide 14 stuck on last one! 2 samantha 3rd April 2010, 11:55
» by samantha
Herald GK xword 4 jaybee 3rd April 2010, 10:38
» by jaybee
CONTAINERS 3 dicky 3rd April 2010, 09:24
» by dicky
RTE GUIDE XW 14 3 dodo 3rd April 2010, 03:20
» by the joker
canberra times cryptic...last one 1 poppy 3rd April 2010, 03:11
» by the joker
canberra times cryptic 7 poppy 3rd April 2010, 03:07
» by the joker
types of dances 5 bigfoot 3rd April 2010, 00:43
» by fred
60s Song title 2 sam 2nd April 2010, 23:13
» by sam
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