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Places in London 9 jean 12th May 2010, 08:29
» by ajt
TV/ Film policemen/women 2 marge 12th May 2010, 08:21
» by marge
local newspaper cryptic 6 dawn 11th May 2010, 21:37
» by mamya
Nature 3 jean 11th May 2010, 21:15
» by mamya
wee stinker 2 andy 11th May 2010, 18:39
» by andy
R N L I 8 anne 11th May 2010, 18:33
» by jo
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 869 49a 4 iamkloot76 11th May 2010, 18:27
» by ajt
Times xword 8 val 11th May 2010, 18:12
» by jo
cryptic Groups or singers 11 trevor001 11th May 2010, 16:02
» by trevor001
DR Saturday Crossword 5 mary b 11th May 2010, 15:59
» by mary b
Herculis 23a 3 suzannah 11th May 2010, 14:08
» by suzannah
Telegraph Cryptic Sat 8th 2 liz 11th May 2010, 13:40
» by l.
Does It Add Up Quiz 8 oddboddy 11th May 2010, 12:51
» by gloria
D.Mail 2 suki 11th May 2010, 12:37
» by suki
SBPost cryptic 2 hknorris 11th May 2010, 10:54
» by hknorris
Sat Daily Record xword 3 gran 11th May 2010, 01:20
» by gran
Times 2 870 8 annie 10th May 2010, 23:27
» by frannie
rte crossword 20 5 sammi 10th May 2010, 22:03
» by bullfrog
wee stinker 1 claudie 10th May 2010, 21:44
» by ixion
daily crossword 13 lola 10th May 2010, 19:44
» by lola
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