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Birds of the world 7 simone 9th May 2010, 19:19
» by simone
s times 4380 4 kay 9th May 2010, 19:04
» by kay
guardian 25005 2 tyrell 9th May 2010, 18:46
» by ixion
Times jumbo 870 11 dan 9th May 2010, 18:30
» by kate
times 4380 6 pat 9th May 2010, 18:26
» by pat
everyman3319 5 freddie 9th May 2010, 18:13
» by ixion
Times2 870 5 benjy 9th May 2010, 18:02
» by benjy
times24532. 6 kim 9th May 2010, 17:01
» by kim
Sunday Herald - Last One. 2 jaybee 9th May 2010, 16:44
» by jaybee
Sun Tel Crypic 4 suki 9th May 2010, 16:38
» by suki
Cryptic 3 alex 9th May 2010, 16:23
» by alex
Daily Record £500 Crossword 2 brenda 9th May 2010, 16:20
» by torcanno
tel .gk. 912 5 john 9th May 2010, 16:19
» by john
observer 2 ct 9th May 2010, 15:36
» by jo
cryptic 870 8 janice 9th May 2010, 14:45
» by janice
times2 jumbo 870 2 rob 9th May 2010, 14:44
» by me
times 2 870 5 eileen 9th May 2010, 14:43
» by annie
Sunday Times 4380 2 francis 9th May 2010, 14:34
» by francis
Jumbo xword 870, 33down 2 alf 9th May 2010, 14:19
» by alf
The Herald 14 ronny 9th May 2010, 13:53
» by ronny
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