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Everyman 3331 7 jonno 1st August 2010, 17:24
» by mostyn
Daily Record Sat Crossword 4 marion 1st August 2010, 17:07
» by suki
times 2 882 5 eileen 1st August 2010, 17:03
» by ajt
you magazine crossword 2 mary 1st August 2010, 16:36
» by mary
Sat D R crossword 2 gran 1st August 2010, 16:24
» by gran
Mephisto 2605 4 chips 1st August 2010, 16:15
» by chips
you magazine 1 8 10 2 mary 1st August 2010, 16:10
» by mary
Times Jumbo Cryptic 882 2 paulo 1st August 2010, 16:03
» by paulo
mephisto 2605 1 sallyw 1st August 2010, 15:53
» by chrisg
Sat Daily Record 8 elaine 1st August 2010, 15:47
» by elaine
mephisto 2605 2 sallyw 1st August 2010, 15:43
» by sallyw
ST 4392 2 motty 1st August 2010, 15:25
» by motty
TIMES 2 882 2 fraser 1st August 2010, 15:22
» by kate
Araucaria 25,076 2 jolan 1st August 2010, 15:19
» by jolan
Times Jumbo Cryptic 882 2 studio51 1st August 2010, 15:12
» by studio51
Times jumbo cryptic 882 3 caro 1st August 2010, 15:12
» by caro
Mephisto 2605 2 chrisg 1st August 2010, 14:40
» by chrisg
Sat - Daily Record 2 treble 1st August 2010, 14:38
» by treble
Daily Record Xword 11 jj 1st August 2010, 14:37
» by torcanna
times 24.604 6 ron 1st August 2010, 14:23
» by ron
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