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help! jumbo 882 [idiots version] 2 barry 31st July 2010, 21:55
» by barry
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 3 claire 31st July 2010, 21:41
» by claire
Times Cryptic Jumbo 882 5 tornface 31st July 2010, 20:55
» by barry
RT31 83 philip 31st July 2010, 20:30
» by john (from arran)
DT26,307 2 dorothyb 31st July 2010, 20:28
» by dorothyb
DT26,307 0 dorothyb 31st July 2010, 20:27
» by dorothyb
Independent 7423 1 chips 31st July 2010, 20:04
» by chips
daily record sat crossword 2 lori 31st July 2010, 19:57
» by lori
cryptic 2 claire 31st July 2010, 19:37
» by suziem
Times cryptic 24594 2 val 31st July 2010, 19:31
» by trevor
26Ac 2 times 2464 31st July 2010, 19:22
» by suziem
Sat daily rec 30th july 3 anna 31st July 2010, 19:05
» by ajt
cryptic 4 claire 31st July 2010, 19:00
» by ixion
TIMES 24604 3 magmac 31st July 2010, 18:34
» by magmac
cryptic 6 claire 31st July 2010, 17:08
» by claire
Indy 7423 4 tony 31st July 2010, 17:03
» by ajt
cryptic 4 claire 31st July 2010, 16:56
» by claire
Sport or game 2 simone 31st July 2010, 16:13
» by simone
Today...Pasquale 2 ian 31st July 2010, 16:07
» by ixion
Times Cryptic 24604 4 manxman 31st July 2010, 16:06
» by manxman
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