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DR Sat crossword 1 joe 90 4th August 2010, 11:08
» by on anon
DM 1A 3 madge 4th August 2010, 09:57
» by madge
Sunday Mail £100 crossword 3 supergran 4th August 2010, 09:11
» by supergran
mirror crossword 4 mark 4th August 2010, 08:06
» by mark
old rainbow quiz 2005 town and country 26 heather 39 4th August 2010, 00:48
» by heather39
characters from literature 7 mags 3rd August 2010, 22:50
» by fred
Cryptic Times 24603 4 val 3rd August 2010, 22:29
» by chips
d.mail 2 geedee 3rd August 2010, 20:30
» by geedee
Cryptic 4 richard 3rd August 2010, 19:58
» by silly boy
Local crossword 8 mia 3rd August 2010, 19:55
» by coline
characters from literature 18 mags 3rd August 2010, 19:46
» by mags
Local crossword 2 lucy 3rd August 2010, 19:40
» by lucy
Matlock anagrams 2 bigfoot 3rd August 2010, 17:09
» by bigfoot
Film Dingbat 9 george iii 3rd August 2010, 17:06
» by billie
crossword 8 m&a 3rd August 2010, 16:48
» by m&a
Cats 2 meg 3rd August 2010, 16:39
» by meg
Sun Mail Seven Days 4 millie 3rd August 2010, 15:45
» by jimc
Times 2 882 2 winston 3rd August 2010, 15:41
» by winston
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 3rd August 2010, 15:19
» by pooksahib
Everyman 3331 5 tonta 3rd August 2010, 13:42
» by tonta
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