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Tues Daily Record 2 millie 12th August 2010, 11:41
» by millie
bullfrog is so rude and arrogant 2 judy 12th August 2010, 09:35
» by chris4food
Bridge the gap 7 quizbag 11th August 2010, 23:44
» by terry
DM 11.8 2 marilyn 11th August 2010, 23:23
» by marilyn
shrewsbury news 2 david 11th August 2010, 22:49
» by redford
Spectator 1976 7 silly boy 11th August 2010, 20:20
» by terry
everyman 3332 2 dianne 11th August 2010, 18:48
» by dianne
Old rainbow Get into the habit 11 lizzyminto 11th August 2010, 17:07
» by lizzyminto
rte 33 last one 4 mamie 11th August 2010, 15:54
» by mamie
ST 4393 ( 5 D ) 6 paul 11th August 2010, 15:11
» by paul
D Mail No. 5489 2 brian drifter 11th August 2010, 14:57
» by brian d
Sat Daily Rec 7thAug 2 anna 11th August 2010, 14:20
» by aljanon
Animal Magic 2 freddo 11th August 2010, 13:41
» by freddo
local cryptic 3 sarah 11th August 2010, 12:29
» by trevor
tues daily record 4 agnes 11th August 2010, 12:20
» by agnes
Daily Mail Tues 10 Aug 2 pooksahib 11th August 2010, 11:37
» by pooksahib
DR "The Big One" £500 3 ann 11th August 2010, 11:15
» by ann
Daily Record (Tue} 4 tam 11th August 2010, 11:09
» by tam
Times cryptic 883 3 mo 11th August 2010, 11:09
» by mo
Tuesday Record 5 babs 11th August 2010, 10:14
» by babs
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