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everyman 3332 3 dianne 8th August 2010, 17:38
» by dianne
Sat Daily Record 1 elaine 8th August 2010, 17:09
» by jomac
IMOS No 672 3 toastcake 8th August 2010, 17:09
» by megan
Sat Daily Record 6 elaine 8th August 2010, 17:06
» by jomac
Sunday Express Skeleton 3 jamie 8th August 2010, 17:05
» by terry
883 crytic 2 francis 8th August 2010, 17:05
» by francis
sunday times cryptic 4393 2 sallyw 8th August 2010, 16:56
» by sallyw
TIMES 2. 883. 4 kim 8th August 2010, 16:44
» by kim
ST 4393. 24D. 2 john 8th August 2010, 16:40
» by john
st 4393 4 ron 8th August 2010, 16:24
» by ron
Sat Daily Record 2 elaine 8th August 2010, 16:15
» by dave
Independent on Sunday 2 chips 8th August 2010, 15:59
» by chips
883 cryptic 2 jo 8th August 2010, 15:36
» by john (from arran)
sunday times cryptic 4393 5 sallyw 8th August 2010, 15:29
» by sallyw
Sunday Times 4393 9 across 1 caroleb 8th August 2010, 15:28
» by leslie
another crossword solver 4 mario 8th August 2010, 15:27
» by john (from arran)
Time 2 883 4 sperrin 8th August 2010, 15:05
» by ronnie
sunday post 11 babs 8th August 2010, 14:41
» by sophie
Sun. Tel. Cryptic 4 suki 8th August 2010, 14:26
» by suki
883 cryptic 4 francis 8th August 2010, 14:11
» by francis
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