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Radio Times Prize Crossword No. 33 48 caravaggio 14th August 2010, 23:28
» by butterfly
Sat DR big one 3 gran 14th August 2010, 22:24
» by mamya
sat daily record 2 chris 14th August 2010, 22:07
» by chris
times cryptic 884 4 stan 14th August 2010, 21:20
» by big dave
Cryptic 884 4 francis 14th August 2010, 21:17
» by chris
Times 24616 4 mo 14th August 2010, 20:50
» by mo
Cryptic 884 2 francis 14th August 2010, 19:50
» by francis
Telegraph 26319 3 jean 14th August 2010, 19:36
» by caravaggio
times cryptic 24616 8 sallyw 14th August 2010, 19:20
» by trevor
Scotsman no.2887 4 georgeg 14th August 2010, 17:38
» by georgeg
Tel Sat 14th 17dn & 21ac 2 cowgirl 14th August 2010, 17:36
» by cowgirl
local cryptic 2 richard 14th August 2010, 16:53
» by ajt
times jumbo cryptic 884 3 sallyw 14th August 2010, 16:51
» by sallyw
Cryptic puzzle 13 mia 14th August 2010, 16:49
» by trevor
Sat Telegraph 26,319 4 caroleb 14th August 2010, 16:10
» by chrisg
DT 26,319 4 dumbo 14th August 2010, 15:47
» by dumbo
Times Jumbo 883 Cryptic 6 ali 14th August 2010, 15:41
» by chrisg
times cryptic 24616 2 sallyw 14th August 2010, 15:38
» by sallyw
Sat Tel 26319 18D 4 geoff marbella 14th August 2010, 13:44
» by geoff marbella
Times Jumbo Cryptic 2 dandelion 14th August 2010, 13:18
» by dandelion
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