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TLS843 25a 3 mh 7th August 2010, 00:16
» by mh
hard clue 6 lol779 6th August 2010, 22:13
» by karen
mail 18 down 8 joebh 6th August 2010, 21:15
» by megan
Radio Times 32 8 gmb 6th August 2010, 21:03
» by john (from arran)
Daily Mail & Times 13 val 6th August 2010, 19:03
» by terry
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 6th August 2010, 16:56
» by fred
Bridge that gap 9 chuckle 6th August 2010, 15:30
» by chuckle
times cryptic 24609 2 sallyw 6th August 2010, 14:30
» by sallyw
Times crossword 24,609 5 francesca 6th August 2010, 12:14
» by francesca
Times Jumbo 882 1 clive 6th August 2010, 11:38
» by bullfrog
ST 4392 8 les 6th August 2010, 09:23
» by pete k
August Genius 83 ajt 6th August 2010, 08:44
» by twm
Today's Spectator 44 ajt 6th August 2010, 06:52
» by ajt
dont know where to start.... 8 melons 6th August 2010, 00:01
» by twm
express 5th aug 2010 5 tiswas123 5th August 2010, 21:57
» by tiswas123
Daily Mail 5/8 3 vp 5th August 2010, 21:13
» by vp
EV 926 6 tony 5th August 2010, 20:30
» by anniec
More help 5 melons 5th August 2010, 19:02
» by melons
Sat Times 24604 9 rachel 28 5th August 2010, 18:20
» by jomac
Help please 3 melons 5th August 2010, 18:19
» by leslie
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