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Topic Replies Started by Last post
i Cryptic 2607 5 diablos 17th June 2019, 10:32
» by diablos
S/mail £100 crossword 2 jinty 17th June 2019, 09:57
» by cerasus
Guardian prize 27,848 5 maddie 17th June 2019, 09:18
» by rossim
st4855 8 ftsalmon 17th June 2019, 08:03
» by malone
film dingbat c/d 31/8 1 brainless 16th June 2019, 23:15
» by quiztime
26A Everyman 3792 3 seeburg21 16th June 2019, 23:08
» by brendan
Inquisitor 1599 38 jogamel 16th June 2019, 21:11
» by lumen
ST 4855 6 hallgreening 16th June 2019, 20:35
» by malone
Times cryptic 1386 parse 4 tango 16th June 2019, 20:03
» by tango
Wall Street Journal 20190615 7 syzygy 16th June 2019, 19:46
» by syzygy
Sunday Express Skeleton 16 June 3 myla 16th June 2019, 19:25
» by tyke51
Times Jumbo 1387 7 strangelybrown 16th June 2019, 18:00
» by cerasus
Private eye no. 653 5 pepsi1000 16th June 2019, 15:58
» by pepsi1000
Jumbo Cryptic 1387 3 ftsalmon 16th June 2019, 13:25
» by ftsalmon
Times 27378 10A 4 nemo 16th June 2019, 13:25
» by nemo
alphapuzzle sunday 1 manudave 16th June 2019, 12:09
» by cerasus
Me again 5 maurie1939 16th June 2019, 11:56
» by brendan
Times cryptic 1387 4 rocketman 16th June 2019, 09:16
» by rusty
Guardian Prize by Picaroon 23 chrise 16th June 2019, 04:21
» by ethereal
PEER REVIEW 390 57 bigbadmarty2 15th June 2019, 23:09
» by stevea6000
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