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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Spectator 2413 4 helveticus 20th June 2019, 18:48
» by malone
Clueless 428 54 stevea6000 20th June 2019, 17:17
» by sunray
alphapuzzle thursday 2 manudave 20th June 2019, 12:42
» by manudave
i Cryptic 2610 6 diablos 20th June 2019, 11:09
» by malone
Sunday Times Mephisto 3068 2 stockie 20th June 2019, 11:00
» by stockie
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1387 2 bobbycollins 19th June 2019, 17:13
» by bobbycollins
alphapuzzle wed 4 manudave 19th June 2019, 12:47
» by rusty
i Cryptic 2609 7 diablos 19th June 2019, 10:48
» by cerasus
Wee Stinker 15.06.2019 6 arranbrown 18th June 2019, 23:33
» by mattrom
EV 1387 14 alwayspuzzled 18th June 2019, 19:15
» by marca
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1387 6 hereward 18th June 2019, 19:09
» by hereward
alphapuzzle tues 4 manudave 18th June 2019, 12:22
» by manudave
DM Tues 7 joy 18th June 2019, 09:20
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2608 7 diablos 18th June 2019, 08:50
» by rusty
Guardian 3 barny 18th June 2019, 08:48
» by barny
Everyman 3,792 48 brendan 17th June 2019, 23:35
» by mistersteinway
Everyman 2 april 17th June 2019, 18:02
» by cerasus
Times jumbo cryptic 1387 3 kangxi 17th June 2019, 15:45
» by kangxi
Times Jumbo 1387 Cryptic 2 myla 17th June 2019, 13:19
» by rusty
alphapuzzle monday 3 manudave 17th June 2019, 11:58
» by cerasus
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