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Guardian prize 27854 25 jacko58 22nd June 2019, 23:54
» by roof
YP17381 4 yorkie 22nd June 2019, 22:22
» by malone
Sat Times 27,384 4 ftsalmon 22nd June 2019, 21:34
» by ftsalmon
YP 1738 2 cooks07 22nd June 2019, 16:35
» by cooks07
£150 crossword Daily record 2 beth 22nd June 2019, 15:13
» by cerasus
Peer Review 391 62 stevea6000 22nd June 2019, 14:34
» by paul
alphapuzzle sat 2 manudave 22nd June 2019, 13:05
» by manudave
I cryptic 2 thomas 22nd June 2019, 11:41
» by thomas
Me again 4 maurie1939 22nd June 2019, 09:57
» by maurie1939
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1387 4 despard 22nd June 2019, 08:42
» by despard
i Cryptic 2612 2 diablos 22nd June 2019, 07:54
» by diablos
GREENIE why please? 5 davidbuderim 22nd June 2019, 07:39
» by malone
SWEDEN why please 2 davidbuderim 22nd June 2019, 07:26
» by davidbuderim
SERIAL why please? 2 davidbuderim 22nd June 2019, 07:23
» by davidbuderim
CARROT why please? 2 davidbuderim 22nd June 2019, 07:18
» by davidbuderim
Local crossword 2 brahan 21st June 2019, 22:03
» by brahan
Superquick 911 3 wontel 21st June 2019, 18:10
» by rusty
Saga July Cryptic 2 titus 21st June 2019, 15:20
» by zozozo
i Cryptic 2611 8 diablos 21st June 2019, 12:32
» by ginge
Everyman 3792 22 peadar 20th June 2019, 22:19
» by elle
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