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DR Tues 2 joe 90 25th November 2010, 10:56
» by jow 90
Local paper 3 blue moon 25th November 2010, 01:57
» by blue moon
Times 24703 5 tonyh 25th November 2010, 00:44
» by washer
The Week 724 2 bill d 25th November 2010, 00:32
» by poppy
Wednesday crusader 1 tiswas123 24th November 2010, 22:26
» by mostyn
Daily Mail 3 megan 24th November 2010, 21:23
» by megan
times cryptic 24703 2 sallyw 24th November 2010, 20:57
» by sallyw
British Food or drink 2 margaret 24th November 2010, 20:42
» by crypto
old cars 3 jazz 24th November 2010, 16:18
» by jazz
Daily Mirror 24th Nov 3 jayneygibb 24th November 2010, 16:01
» by chrisg
D mail 9 gareth 24th November 2010, 15:27
» by gareth
DR TUESDAY 1 tommy 24th November 2010, 14:02
» by sammy
films 1 quizmad 24th November 2010, 13:17
» by jjo
Rainbow Clue begins or ends with the letter A Unable to solve ! 372 magic1 24th November 2010, 12:47
» by terry
Motor Cars 6 mags1 24th November 2010, 09:48
» by emf
Help 3 lauren 24th November 2010, 09:41
» by lauren
proverb 4 linda 24th November 2010, 09:36
» by trevor
d.mail 24th 6 emf 24th November 2010, 09:30
» by emf
DR Tuesday 2 babs 24th November 2010, 09:06
» by francis
trying 2 lorna 24th November 2010, 06:33
» by lorna
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