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daily record mag. 1 jean 27th November 2010, 16:56
» by anne
crossword help!!!!!! 7 bb 27th November 2010, 16:43
» by emf
the sun 1 ltfc4life 27th November 2010, 16:40
» by wendy
Jobs/occupations 14 billie 27th November 2010, 16:32
» by billie
last 3 clues 8 ann 27th November 2010, 16:24
» by crypto
Times 24706 2 tonyh 27th November 2010, 16:21
» by tonyh
Times 24706 2 robsta 27th November 2010, 16:00
» by robsta
ramblers magazine 4 ann 27th November 2010, 15:58
» by ann
Times2 899 - Last one! 2 annied 27th November 2010, 15:40
» by annied
times jumbo cryptic 899 2 chris 27th November 2010, 15:35
» by chris
help 2 kathy 27th November 2010, 15:33
» by kathy
Times 24706- one letter to go! 3 smiffy 27th November 2010, 14:56
» by trevor74
different crossword now 3 ann 27th November 2010, 14:08
» by ann
Sat Tel 26409 6 acc 2 geoff marbella 27th November 2010, 13:10
» by geoff marbella in the rain
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 5 claire 27th November 2010, 12:40
» by claire
blacksmith's block 2 ann 27th November 2010, 12:23
» by ann
DT 26,409 6 malcolm 27th November 2010, 11:54
» by jolan
Things Associated with Christmas 2 ejay 27th November 2010, 11:45
» by emf
Name 6 tom 27th November 2010, 11:32
» by tom
times 898 cryptic 5 april 27th November 2010, 11:20
» by sammy
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