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Xmas song or carol 5 bigfoot 22nd November 2010, 20:10
» by julie, again
daily record crossword 19 stuart gray 22nd November 2010, 19:31
» by the joker
times cryptic 24701 6 sallyw 22nd November 2010, 19:14
» by sallyw
answer includes Mac or Mc in the title 2 cherub19 22nd November 2010, 18:59
» by cherub19
times cryptic 246701 3 sallyw 22nd November 2010, 18:46
» by dj
daily mail mon 2 mrs bantry 22nd November 2010, 18:08
» by mrs bantry
Kirkcaldy cryptic 7 erib 22nd November 2010, 17:46
» by ajt
times cryptic 24701 2 sallyw 22nd November 2010, 17:00
» by sallyw
at rest 1 annie 22nd November 2010, 16:59
» by the joker
hi 1 tinker 22nd November 2010, 16:56
» by dizzy
Bonxie 20th November 3 lutra 22nd November 2010, 16:03
» by lutra
last 2 rte 47 3 mamie 22nd November 2010, 15:55
» by mamie
WEE STINKER 3 neilly dunn 22nd November 2010, 14:58
» by neilly dunn
dm cryptic 3 gareth 22nd November 2010, 14:17
» by gareth
Wee Stinker 3 dunderheid 22nd November 2010, 14:10
» by dunderheid
WEE STINKER 12 bigred 22nd November 2010, 13:51
» by jaybee
WEE STINKER 3 bigred 22nd November 2010, 13:33
» by bigred
Prospect magazine generalist 6 april 22nd November 2010, 13:15
» by john
ST4408 15 jane 22nd November 2010, 13:04
» by hypotheses
ST4408 3 rob 22nd November 2010, 12:35
» by rob
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