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900 cryptic 5 francis 5th December 2010, 13:29
» by francis
Can't figure out this word? 1 lucie 5th December 2010, 13:17
» by terry
Sat Times 4th December International edition 0 gaperon 5th December 2010, 13:10
» by gaperon
Sunday mail 2 anne 5th December 2010, 13:09
» by anne
sunday Times 4410 4 j.b. 5th December 2010, 13:05
» by ab
around the coast of england 5 quizmad 5th December 2010, 13:01
» by quizmad
Joining 2 gordon 5th December 2010, 12:57
» by gordon
Sat Times 24712 2 tonyh 5th December 2010, 12:56
» by tonyh
HELP 2 pia 5th December 2010, 12:53
» by the joker
Everyman 3348 5 smicks 5th December 2010, 12:49
» by the joker
Times 2 900 8 sheila 5th December 2010, 12:49
» by dogdaisy
DT 26,415 5 dumbo 5th December 2010, 12:17
» by chrisg
take a break 6 tarushe 5th December 2010, 12:13
» by suki
Times 24712 3 rmleake 5th December 2010, 11:59
» by rmleake
times 900 5 zengoo 5th December 2010, 11:55
» by zengoo
Mephisto 2623 2 tone 5th December 2010, 11:51
» by tone
Times 2 900 2 georgie 5th December 2010, 10:12
» by georgie
T2 Jumbo 990 5 janebb 5th December 2010, 08:32
» by kate
Floating Seaweed 2 stumped 5th December 2010, 04:48
» by ixion
CountryLife Crossword #4159 5 jamiehenn 5th December 2010, 02:53
» by trevor
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