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Tricky Cryptic 3 himbo 6th December 2010, 23:46
» by himbo
Times 2 900 9 gb 6th December 2010, 23:28
» by david g
times 2 900 9 eileen 6th December 2010, 23:24
» by david g
Cryptic. 7 chald 6th December 2010, 23:24
» by chald
crossword 4 sammi 6th December 2010, 21:38
» by sammi
Cryptic 6 chald 6th December 2010, 21:14
» by chald
stuck at 3 gardening cryptic clues 4 cyn25 6th December 2010, 20:42
» by cyn25
Sunday Mail 7days Mag 2 brenda 6th December 2010, 20:32
» by brenda
Last clue in Observer crossword 3 chris 6th December 2010, 20:19
» by chris
Times Jumbo 900 Cryptic 7 bluemoon2 6th December 2010, 20:11
» by trevor
"The Seaside" (loosly things found at the seaside) 5 staploe 6th December 2010, 19:47
» by staploe
8 down 1 andy321 6th December 2010, 19:26
» by dizzy
S.T.4410 2 oldie 6th December 2010, 18:42
» by chrisg
Timesxword No 5327 2 alf 6th December 2010, 18:17
» by james
that's entertainment 24 jonty 6th December 2010, 17:54
» by emf
Cant get out! 6 wendy 6th December 2010, 17:51
» by emf
times cryptic 24713 5 sallyw 6th December 2010, 17:50
» by peterm
Guardian 25,185 7 mikey4444 6th December 2010, 17:44
» by leigh hughes
Wee Stinker 1 dim 6th December 2010, 17:27
» by dantheman
DT 26,415 20A 4 bob 6th December 2010, 17:23
» by bob
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