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just a few left 3 doug 5th December 2010, 20:05
» by doug
SL cryptic 2 squire 5th December 2010, 19:52
» by squire
last cryptic 5 doug 5th December 2010, 19:51
» by dizzy
cryptic help please 5 doug 5th December 2010, 19:27
» by doug
The Sunday tribune 2 martha 5th December 2010, 19:25
» by martha
cryptic help please 6 doug 5th December 2010, 19:06
» by doug
DT 26,415 26a & 18a 4 marcus 5th December 2010, 19:00
» by dizzy
times.24712 11 pete 5th December 2010, 18:57
» by pete65
S Times 4410 3 patrick 5th December 2010, 18:57
» by patrick
Sun Times Mephisto 2623 4 joanmm 5th December 2010, 18:55
» by petcow
Sat Daily Record 4 millie 5th December 2010, 18:54
» by the joker
Ind On Sun,Beelzebub 3 toneann 5th December 2010, 18:40
» by toneann
everyman3349 1 bert 5th December 2010, 18:27
» by ixion
Beelzebub 1085 3 shona 5th December 2010, 18:23
» by shona
Sir Lancelot 4 megan 5th December 2010, 18:13
» by megan
Sunday Mail 5 mag 5th December 2010, 18:05
» by the joker
Times.4410 6 john 5th December 2010, 17:57
» by john.
Guardian 25179 52 jeffc 5th December 2010, 17:42
» by ixion
DT 26'415 Last one 3dn 3 big tone 5th December 2010, 17:37
» by big tone
Sun. Indo quizword clue 3 jim 5th December 2010, 17:28
» by jim
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