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Daily Mail 2 megan 9th December 2010, 21:50
» by megan
have answer but can't see why! 2 times jumbo 900 cryptic 9th December 2010, 21:12
» by proinnsias
herald 4 sean 9th December 2010, 20:07
» by sean
times cryptic 24716 2 sallyw 9th December 2010, 19:21
» by sallyw
common words 26 ernie 9th December 2010, 17:56
» by ernie
Red, white or blue 14 chuckle 9th December 2010, 17:34
» by emf
Sun Crossword - Thursday 9th Dec 2 lyndsay 9th December 2010, 17:24
» by lyndsay
crossword 6 december 9th December 2010, 17:01
» by december
Spectator 1994 15 sudokulover 9th December 2010, 15:36
» by silly boy
daily mail 4 gareth 9th December 2010, 15:27
» by mark
RT Prize Crossword 6 thicko 9th December 2010, 15:04
» by emf
common words 7 jude 9th December 2010, 14:00
» by hilary
Edinburgh and area place names quiz 20 julie, aberdeen 9th December 2010, 13:52
» by julie, aberdeen
Christmas cryptic quiz 2 fatrollie 9th December 2010, 12:05
» by fatrollie
help 1 tarushe 9th December 2010, 10:23
» by dave
tarushe 1 tarushe 9th December 2010, 09:57
» by karen
Times 24714 5 peterm 8th December 2010, 23:52
» by foxtrot
YoU Mag C/W No; 1207 6 rufina 8th December 2010, 23:11
» by mandala
Cryptic 2 gaul 8th December 2010, 22:43
» by gaul
Old Times cryptic 2 bugsy 8th December 2010, 22:40
» by bugsy
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