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SKID ROW DRINK 5 sara 2nd January 2011, 08:19
» by trevor
cryptic 124 2 whyr 2nd January 2011, 03:44
» by whyr
Daily Record mag 2 gran 2nd January 2011, 02:23
» by gran
season-ish answers 3 dairybox 1st January 2011, 23:57
» by dairybox
cryptic help please 4 terry 1st January 2011, 23:40
» by sparafucile
dt26438 7 pweetz 1st January 2011, 23:27
» by pweetz
The Times 8 sammy 1st January 2011, 21:59
» by sammy
ST Cryptic717 1 carmel 1st January 2011, 21:13
» by ab
A puzzle for Parkinsons 3 rox 1st January 2011, 20:53
» by rox
herald prize hogmanay 2 louisa 1st January 2011, 20:52
» by louisa
Winnie the Pooh 3 dumbo 1st January 2011, 20:52
» by dumbo
Scotsman no.2906 2 georgeg 1st January 2011, 20:47
» by georgeg
cryptic help please 2 tony 1st January 2011, 20:46
» by trevor
D. Tel. 26,438 5 marion 1st January 2011, 20:09
» by marion
back again (sorry) 2 ann 1st January 2011, 19:56
» by ann
cryptic 3 todd 1st January 2011, 19:51
» by coline
small falcon 2 ann 1st January 2011, 19:38
» by ann
Jumbo 904 2 keith c 1st January 2011, 19:29
» by keith c
Seaside quiz 2 confused 1st January 2011, 18:56
» by sudokulover
cryptic help please 1 tony 1st January 2011, 18:49
» by kerryoth
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