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Sir Lancelot 7 megan 2nd January 2011, 19:27
» by silly boy
Times cryptic 903 5 janice 2nd January 2011, 19:07
» by janice
Mephisto 2627 11 paula 2nd January 2011, 19:03
» by allyb
christmas quizanswers connected with christmas 3 marge 2nd January 2011, 18:49
» by sammy
tel 2569. 4 pete 2nd January 2011, 18:38
» by pete
ST 4414 4 mr griffin 2nd January 2011, 18:35
» by mr griffin
daily record mag 6 jean 2nd January 2011, 18:35
» by jean
Independent jumbo 85 2 richard 2nd January 2011, 17:37
» by loki
Jumbo 904 cryptic 2 smiffy 2nd January 2011, 17:26
» by smiffy
New Years Sunday Business Post Bumper Crossword 3 wideangles 2nd January 2011, 17:20
» by wideangles
ST Mephisto 3 morven 2nd January 2011, 16:58
» by morven
Herald hogmany jumbo xword 45 alasdair 2nd January 2011, 16:32
» by acb312
Guardian 25207 3 reddragon 2nd January 2011, 16:32
» by reddragon
guardian 25,208. 8down 2 enid 2nd January 2011, 16:18
» by enid
herald hogmanau 1 donald g 2nd January 2011, 16:04
» by ab
mos crossword no. 693 1 des 2nd January 2011, 15:50
» by terry
guardian 25,208 20 enid 2nd January 2011, 15:50
» by sparafucile
sunday mail mag 2 lesley 2nd January 2011, 15:49
» by lesley
SATURDAY TIMES JUMBO 904 CRYPTIC 3 audrey franklin 2nd January 2011, 15:47
» by audrey franklin
Mephisto 2627 2 joanmm 2nd January 2011, 15:42
» by joanmm
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