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cryptic 2 todd 2nd January 2011, 12:41
» by siamcat
cryptic help please 4 trey 2nd January 2011, 12:29
» by todd
Times jumbo cryptic 904 - explanation wanted 6 alan 2nd January 2011, 12:17
» by problem chimp
Herald Hogmanay Jumbo 4 jaybee 2nd January 2011, 12:10
» by ab
sunday Times 4414 2 nigella 2nd January 2011, 11:58
» by nigella
sunday Times 4414 3 j.b. 2nd January 2011, 11:47
» by j.b.
Seaside 4 tallboy 2nd January 2011, 11:43
» by tallboy
First Footing 3 puzzled 2nd January 2011, 11:33
» by puzzled
Military arms quiz 16 amelia 2nd January 2011, 11:30
» by jjs
Times24735 3 smiffy 2nd January 2011, 11:17
» by smiffy
Winnie the pooh 4 iris 2nd January 2011, 11:16
» by iris
fabrics 6 jemima 2nd January 2011, 11:11
» by jemima
Pairs Quiz 4 marie 2nd January 2011, 10:51
» by trevor
Times Cryptic Jumbo 904 3 rmleake 2nd January 2011, 10:48
» by chrisg
SWE Post Cryptic Crossword 7 claire 2nd January 2011, 10:30
» by claire
Times 2 904 3 georgie 2nd January 2011, 09:59
» by problem chimp
Explanation please 3 colin (swansea jack) 2nd January 2011, 09:57
» by problem chimp
sunday business post new year bumper xword 12 brigid 2nd January 2011, 09:25
» by chrisg
Non cryptic crossword 2 bharath 2nd January 2011, 09:04
» by bharath
main words begin with the letter P 12 billie 2nd January 2011, 09:02
» by iris
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