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The Week 734 Clue of the Week 3 ken 9th February 2011, 14:44
» by ken
daily mail crossword 3 jackie 9th February 2011, 14:42
» by emf
d mail wed 6 emf 9th February 2011, 14:27
» by emf
Radio Times Prize crossword 7 8 robert551069 9th February 2011, 14:17
» by robert5510969
Spectator 2000 Grid B 4 puzzler 9th February 2011, 14:15
» by leslie
DM 9/2 4 marilyn 9th February 2011, 13:42
» by marilyn
all answers relate to snow frost or ice 1 quizmad 9th February 2011, 13:21
» by jazz
Guardian Genius 92 10 jerry 9th February 2011, 11:51
» by ajt
Guardian Genius 2 jerry 9th February 2011, 10:57
» by jerry
confused. 4 jinty 9th February 2011, 10:35
» by jinty
Times 2 Jumbo 910 2 ginger 9th February 2011, 10:33
» by ginger
Guardian Genius 18 rosie 9th February 2011, 09:18
» by rosie
YP CRYPTIC 1 paul 9th February 2011, 08:37
» by ajt
problem 3 rhonda 9th February 2011, 07:45
» by thonda
Thanks in advance 2 lauren 9th February 2011, 02:41
» by lauren
I have 2 2 lauren 9th February 2011, 01:54
» by a
Genius 92 11 tomtom 9th February 2011, 00:27
» by trevor
Weekend Australian aka Sunday Times 722 - 2 and a half left 14 simon 8th February 2011, 23:18
» by def
Clarification on ST 4419 clues 7 les40 8th February 2011, 23:02
» by les40
Last one Crusader 3 christopher 8th February 2011, 22:59
» by christopher
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