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Times 10 feb 2 fergus 11th February 2011, 00:42
» by rumbling tum
Aussie Cryptic 1 barbie 11th February 2011, 00:33
» by tanya
Love poems and volume sales!! 2 azhure 11th February 2011, 00:24
» by azhure
times910cryptic 36dn 2 theambler 11th February 2011, 00:15
» by hammy
Times 10 feb 3 fergus 11th February 2011, 00:09
» by chald
Local cryptic 3 tonta 10th February 2011, 23:51
» by tonta
R.T.E. Guide No. 7 12 bernie 10th February 2011, 21:52
» by bernie
just one more 2 dgk 10th February 2011, 20:41
» by dgk
EV 953 5 laura 10th February 2011, 20:40
» by cruciverbalist
quiz problem 6 dgk 10th February 2011, 20:27
» by dgk
Pastimes & hobbies 9 danny 10th February 2011, 19:59
» by danny
herald 5 sean 10th February 2011, 18:49
» by sean
Guardian 25241 5 david w 10th February 2011, 18:42
» by chald
times cryptic 24769 7 sallyw 10th February 2011, 17:58
» by chald
supermarket quiz 7 gwinearman 10th February 2011, 17:49
» by emf
Times2 910 4 gwenda 10th February 2011, 17:12
» by gwenda
times cryptic 24769 2 sallyw 10th February 2011, 16:55
» by sallyw
independent 5th February 2 two hoots 10th February 2011, 16:20
» by two hoots
Times 10 feb 3 fergus 10th February 2011, 15:53
» by big dave
Genius 92 6 teenieleek 10th February 2011, 15:44
» by teenieleek
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