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Message for Colin(Swansea Jack) 1 silly boy 12th February 2011, 14:29
» by silly boy
Swansea Evening Post Cryptic 4 colin (swansea jack) 12th February 2011, 14:28
» by colin (swansea jack)
daily record £500 4 beau 12th February 2011, 14:02
» by beua
Times Jumbo 911 8 puzzler 12th February 2011, 13:55
» by susanp
Times 911 3 shahpur1 12th February 2011, 13:22
» by shahpur1
polymath 592 5 oldham 12th February 2011, 13:18
» by oldham
Times Jumbo 911 cryptic 5 neil 12th February 2011, 13:11
» by neil
OVERDRAWN 5 ek 12th February 2011, 11:41
» by ek
any ideas? 4 dgk 12th February 2011, 11:29
» by dgk
The eyes have it: calling all opthamologists 4 times jumbo 911 12th February 2011, 11:27
» by chrisg
times 2 jumbo 910 2 lee 12th February 2011, 09:35
» by lee
local crossword 2 ann 12th February 2011, 09:28
» by ann
The Week 3 bill d 12th February 2011, 08:29
» by tony
Washday Blues 4 angie 12th February 2011, 07:53
» by angie
Simple Cryptic 5 kathy 12th February 2011, 05:58
» by chrisg
Times 24771 2 quizzo 12th February 2011, 00:55
» by quizzo
the swearing one is still here 2 sue 12th February 2011, 00:48
» by trevor
daily mail 11/2 6 margaret 11th February 2011, 23:39
» by terry
last one Falkirk Herald 3 megamargare 11th February 2011, 22:30
» by terry
Spectator 2001 22 tony 11th February 2011, 22:26
» by zardoz
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