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Topic Replies Started by Last post
The Scotsman weekend cryptic 0 swalastova 9th April 2011, 07:55
» by swalastova
The Week 14 sheila 9th April 2011, 00:31
» by pastille
water 2 rony 8th April 2011, 21:06
» by rony
DM 2 smb 8th April 2011, 20:08
» by smb
Spectator 2009 48 sandyw 8th April 2011, 18:57
» by ajt
Times 918 Cryptic 3 helenb 8th April 2011, 17:47
» by helenb
Backward skeleton 1 tricia 8th April 2011, 17:08
» by ixion
DM 8 smb 8th April 2011, 16:54
» by emf
American counties 19 bigfoot 8th April 2011, 16:33
» by kenny
farmers journal 5 cecil 8th April 2011, 15:50
» by kate
Times cryptic 918 2 pat 8th April 2011, 13:01
» by pat
Coventry Telegraph cryptic 2 therogue 8th April 2011, 12:49
» by therogue
TLS 874 6a 2 mh 8th April 2011, 12:18
» by mh
Help please 2 amy 8th April 2011, 09:44
» by amy
Please help - explanation appreciated 2 lorna 8th April 2011, 07:13
» by lorna
Times Jumbo No.918 5 elizabeth 8th April 2011, 05:46
» by elizabeth
hello im a bit peed off 1 will 8th April 2011, 00:08
» by .
Times Jumbo 918 3 harry 7th April 2011, 23:02
» by cobbie
l in castle has me stumped 8 bigd 7th April 2011, 22:01
» by les40
problem with my castles 3 bigd 7th April 2011, 21:59
» by karen
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