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YoU Mag. C/W No; 1224 1 rufina stephenson 6th April 2011, 23:54
» by finlay
Genius 94 2 icvotria 6th April 2011, 22:29
» by icvotria
tuesday daily record 2 anne 6th April 2011, 20:21
» by anne
Times cyptic 918 1 barking dog 6th April 2011, 18:12
» by boltonian
name the countries quiz 2 cherrie 6th April 2011, 17:49
» by chald
Countries Quiz 3 cherrie 6th April 2011, 17:41
» by chald
daily mail, 6th april 5 gareth 6th April 2011, 17:27
» by muttley
DM Wed 16 smb 6th April 2011, 16:44
» by emf
RTE Guide No 15 5 kate 6th April 2011, 14:33
» by kate
Tues DR 2 joe 90 6th April 2011, 12:46
» by joe 90
I believe I can fly 2 freddo 6th April 2011, 12:33
» by freddo
Times 24815 4 mags 6th April 2011, 12:24
» by mags
times jumbo cryptic 918 2 jalland 6th April 2011, 12:19
» by jalland
daily record tuesday 2 andrew 6th April 2011, 11:44
» by andrew
Telegraph Quick Crossword 6 April 2 tabbycat 6th April 2011, 11:43
» by big dave
Wednesday Scotsman cryptic 0 swalastova 6th April 2011, 11:43
» by swalastova
Times cryptic 918 2 pat 6th April 2011, 11:35
» by pat
Times 24815 3 mags 6th April 2011, 11:31
» by mags
please get me started 3 loris 6th April 2011, 07:50
» by loris
Pairs and partners 20 harry 6th April 2011, 06:55
» by chrisg
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