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MOS 1225 2 jennifer 10th April 2011, 17:59
» by jennifer
Mephisto 2641 3 nikki 10th April 2011, 17:52
» by nikki
Times. 4428. 3 ron 10th April 2011, 17:42
» by ron
Sir Lancelot 9 megan 10th April 2011, 17:29
» by megan
sevendays xword ,sunday mail 3 beth 10th April 2011, 17:28
» by beth
Mephisto 2641 35 ac. 3 film fan 10th April 2011, 16:57
» by sallyw
Daily Record Sat 2 doug 10th April 2011, 16:55
» by doug
Cryptic 3 nina 10th April 2011, 16:50
» by nina
i paper Friday 8th 2 sally 10th April 2011, 16:49
» by sally
Daily Record Sat. 2 ian 10th April 2011, 16:35
» by ian
The Week 743 2 john doe 10th April 2011, 16:29
» by john doe
Just two more 4 ravel 10th April 2011, 16:28
» by trevor
Sat Daily Record 2 millie 10th April 2011, 16:18
» by millie
tel960.last one. 2 pete 10th April 2011, 16:18
» by pete
tel 960 2 pete 10th April 2011, 15:52
» by pete
ST4428 5 puzzled2 10th April 2011, 15:46
» by puzzled2
Sunday life 1 quincy 10th April 2011, 15:40
» by carol
Sunday Times 4428 2 glwadys 10th April 2011, 15:29
» by glwadys
Herald GK Xword 3 jaybee 10th April 2011, 15:24
» by valerie
tiems 2 no 919 4 eileen 10th April 2011, 15:20
» by chrisg
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