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Need answers 1 1 vishal jain 28th April 2011, 17:23
» by chald
local cryptic 10 lindsey 28th April 2011, 16:55
» by lindsey
Last one, an explanation please. 5 daisy 28th April 2011, 16:53
» by daisy
dm thurs 5d 3 johnd 28th April 2011, 16:13
» by johnd
times jumbo cryptic 921 4 nytram 28th April 2011, 16:10
» by trevor
dm 28th 3 emf 28th April 2011, 15:16
» by johnd
Cryptic puzzle 3 sorcha 28th April 2011, 14:00
» by sorcha
DM THURS 2 smb 28th April 2011, 13:25
» by smb
Jumbo Times 2 922 6 annie 28th April 2011, 12:45
» by graeme harris
Times 24835 2 neilm 28th April 2011, 11:15
» by neilm
Need answers 1 vishal jain 28th April 2011, 10:48
» by vishal jain
Need answers 2 2 vishal jain 28th April 2011, 10:45
» by vishal jain
Need answers 3 2 vishal jain 28th April 2011, 10:16
» by nairb
Times Jumbo 922 2 gaperon 28th April 2011, 09:58
» by gaperon
need help with words 3 manjul 28th April 2011, 08:30
» by vishal jain
Times 2 sat Dark green mineral 5 sue n neil 28th April 2011, 06:44
» by kapil
Local puzzle 10, 530 Why is NINES the answer 1 jonboy 28th April 2011, 00:37
» by ixion
didn't think this was a chat room 1 fred 27th April 2011, 23:56
» by sallyw
The Times Crossword 2 sammy 27th April 2011, 21:30
» by sammy
Pull the communication cord 4 patsy 27th April 2011, 21:13
» by rustypin
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