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Cryptic 139 2 whyr 1st May 2011, 04:39
» by paul
Saturday Age Cryptic 19,356 April 30 7 misko 1st May 2011, 03:03
» by misko
Times. 24.837. 16 ron. 1st May 2011, 02:52
» by paul
occasional cryptic 9 ixion 1st May 2011, 02:51
» by les40
times 24837 3 nytram 1st May 2011, 01:56
» by nytram
Times Crossword 24,837 3 rogerjw 1st May 2011, 00:11
» by rogerjw
Times. 24.837. 6 kim 30th April 2011, 23:58
» by gordon
wild plants(local dialect names) 5 tonyw 30th April 2011, 23:52
» by tonyw
rimes 24837 5 pete 30th April 2011, 23:08
» by pete
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 8 claire 30th April 2011, 23:01
» by claire
or aka ihaventgotaknob 2 dez 30th April 2011, 22:51
» by jim
Herald GK Xword 6 jaybee 30th April 2011, 22:20
» by chald
don't keep openng new threads sallyw 3 dez 30th April 2011, 22:17
» by sallyw
times. 24.837. 2 john 30th April 2011, 22:10
» by john
Times 24837- last one 3 smiffy 30th April 2011, 21:57
» by chald
times jumbo cryptic 923 2 sallyw 30th April 2011, 21:16
» by sallyw
times jumbo cryptic 923 5 sallyw 30th April 2011, 21:09
» by sallyw
Times 24,837 6 sandy 30th April 2011, 20:54
» by chald
Criptic help pls 4 dave 30th April 2011, 20:22
» by kelly
Saturday Times 3 john doe 30th April 2011, 20:07
» by john doe
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