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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Cryptic 12 nina 26th April 2011, 13:58
» by nina
times2 jumbo 921 3 seany 26th April 2011, 13:35
» by seany
Times 24833 3 neilm 26th April 2011, 12:31
» by neilm
times cryptic 24833 2 sallyw 26th April 2011, 11:49
» by sallyw
RT 17 47 caravaggio 26th April 2011, 10:35
» by clueless
Cryptic last 2 3 kelly 26th April 2011, 10:26
» by kelly
Sat Times 24831 6 les40 26th April 2011, 10:17
» by chald
Criptic help pls 2 kelly 26th April 2011, 10:14
» by kelly
crusader crossword 25/04 2 mags 26th April 2011, 09:59
» by mags
EP Cryptic 3 kelly 26th April 2011, 09:38
» by kelly
need help please for cryptic 3 suz 26th April 2011, 05:00
» by suz
times cryptic 24833 1 tommy-h 26th April 2011, 02:27
» by ixion
Guardian Prize 25304 3 oak 26th April 2011, 02:16
» by ixion
occasional cryptic 2 ixion 26th April 2011, 01:15
» by ixion
York Press Sat 23/04/11 4 aurion 26th April 2011, 00:57
» by aurion
re;listener 1 nytram 26th April 2011, 00:51
» by martyn
times jumbo cryptic 922 4 sallyw 26th April 2011, 00:48
» by chald
Crossword 2 jim 25th April 2011, 23:18
» by jim
Times 922 4 helen 25th April 2011, 23:11
» by helen
EV964 2 geoff a 25th April 2011, 22:59
» by geoff a
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