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All Creatures Quiz 5 puzzled 1st May 2011, 19:24
» by puzzled
Guardian Pruze 25,310 2 ang 1st May 2011, 19:23
» by ang
Quick crossword MOS 7 smb 1st May 2011, 19:16
» by barrycat
Times Cryptic 923- last one 6 gharbij ihn 1st May 2011, 18:15
» by .
quick crossword mos 2 mary 1st May 2011, 17:56
» by mary
Genius tomorrow? 1 cmk 1st May 2011, 17:56
» by ixion
MOS Prize 1487 2 fergie 1st May 2011, 17:48
» by fergie
5down 3 evergreenlizzie 1st May 2011, 17:46
» by .
times no 5451 5 eileen 1st May 2011, 17:38
» by ab
Times 2 Jumbo 923 5 annief 1st May 2011, 17:32
» by tommy-h
MOS 1228 4 westland john 1st May 2011, 16:59
» by the joker
anyone still there,for times cryptic 923? 7 m.o.m.o 1st May 2011, 16:52
» by chald
Buster ST 4431 0 angie 1st May 2011, 16:48
» by angie
times.4431. 6 john. 1st May 2011, 16:46
» by john.
TimesNo 923 6 janette 1st May 2011, 16:27
» by rav
Everyman 3370 - SPOILER 3 terry 1st May 2011, 16:12
» by jimmy
Times.4431. 3 ron 1st May 2011, 16:05
» by ron
sevendays crossword 3 eilidhbeth 1st May 2011, 15:52
» by eilidhbeth
Sunday Times 4431 2 catherine 1st May 2011, 15:34
» by catherine
times. 4431 3 john. 1st May 2011, 15:32
» by john.
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