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Times Cryptic 1421 9 despard 21st January 2020, 14:40
» by stevie gee
Inquisitor 1630 6 mjk 21st January 2020, 14:30
» by jazzlover42
cryptic food c/d 31st jan 0 brainless 21st January 2020, 12:48
» by brainless
i Cryptic 7293 10 diablos 21st January 2020, 11:09
» by rusty
Inquisitor 1630 16 malone 21st January 2020, 10:28
» by kt17
i Cryptic 2792 12 diablos 20th January 2020, 14:51
» by malone
Harpers 2020-02 puzzle 11 syzygy 20th January 2020, 14:08
» by kt17
Last one! 2 johnpuzzle 20th January 2020, 13:56
» by malone
ST 4886 6 shipwreck 20th January 2020, 11:54
» by cerasus
Times Jumbo 1421 cryptic 3 rocketman 20th January 2020, 10:21
» by rocketman
Guardian Prize 28,033 34 mathi 20th January 2020, 01:51
» by scorpiojo
Times jumbo 1421 Cryptic 8 myla 20th January 2020, 00:04
» by rusty
St4886 3 ccr 19th January 2020, 22:27
» by malone
Express skeleton 4 april 19th January 2020, 18:55
» by malone
Crossword 1 johnc1 19th January 2020, 18:47
» by malone
Crossword 2 johnc1 19th January 2020, 18:43
» by brendan
Everyman 3,823 25 brendan 19th January 2020, 16:52
» by brendan
Everyman 2 ruby 19th January 2020, 16:42
» by brendan
Problem! 2 johnpuzzle 19th January 2020, 15:17
» by xwordfan
Sat Times 27564 3 zinc 19th January 2020, 10:43
» by rusty
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