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star alpha 3 catwoman48 24th January 2020, 12:50
» by catwoman48
Evolving my solving 1 siolag 24th January 2020, 11:31
» by spoffy
SAGA FEBRUARY 2 trelos1 24th January 2020, 11:00
» by trelos1
Crossword centre Jan 20 6 piffleworthy 24th January 2020, 10:23
» by kenhiggs
CLUELESS 458 42 peterm 24th January 2020, 09:45
» by peterm
Superquick 940 6 wontel 24th January 2020, 07:20
» by malone
Spectator 2440 17 alwayspuzzled 23rd January 2020, 20:35
» by crosswhit99
Mail Thursday 3 strangelybrown 23rd January 2020, 14:52
» by spoffy
i Cryptic 2795 10 diablos 23rd January 2020, 12:09
» by rusty
EV 1418 14 xwordfan 23rd January 2020, 10:32
» by cloverjo
(M-Z) Answers up to Clueless 458 and Peer Review 421 0 mattrom 23rd January 2020, 00:47
» by mattrom
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 458 and Peer Review 421 0 mattrom 23rd January 2020, 00:41
» by mattrom
Mail Tuesday 4 loubyloo10 22nd January 2020, 18:03
» by strangelybrown
PRIV EYE 669 4 hallgreening 22nd January 2020, 17:52
» by hallgreening
Missing letters in [ A E O S] 7 nimus 22nd January 2020, 16:18
» by brendan
Metro cryptic 22/01 2 whetstone 22nd January 2020, 13:22
» by whetstone
alphapuzzle wed 2 manudave 22nd January 2020, 11:47
» by manudave
i Cryptic 2794 7 diablos 22nd January 2020, 07:58
» by diablos
Clue from old Listener (#3162 by Apex) 2 buzzb 22nd January 2020, 06:41
» by buzzb
Tuesday alpha puzzle 2 landy 21st January 2020, 16:31
» by landy
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