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Guardian Prize 28,045 27 mathi 2nd February 2020, 18:21
» by quocunque
Times Jumbo 1423 cryptic 7 themadwomanintheattic 2nd February 2020, 17:51
» by rusty
Times Jumbo 1423 cryptic 10 rocketman 2nd February 2020, 14:55
» by malone
Everyman 3,825 18 brendan 2nd February 2020, 12:24
» by mackania
Times jumbo 1423 4 strangelybrown 2nd February 2020, 10:40
» by strangelybrown
more happy families arthur rank hospice quiz 5 marg77 1st February 2020, 17:48
» by haeremai18
Wee Stinker 1 claudie 1st February 2020, 14:32
» by stevie gee
YP1770 6 yorkie 1st February 2020, 13:35
» by brendan
alphapuzzle sat 2 manudave 1st February 2020, 12:18
» by manudave
Peer Review 422 59 kt17 1st February 2020, 11:02
» by fieryjack
Local crossword 2 brahan 1st February 2020, 08:53
» by brahan
TLS 1311 3 xwordfan 1st February 2020, 06:06
» by xwordfan
Azed 2483 12 xwordfan 31st January 2020, 19:53
» by malone
i Cryptic 2802 4 diablos 31st January 2020, 12:23
» by oblib
pedants united 16 alanfi 31st January 2020, 11:17
» by orson
Superquick 941 3 wontel 31st January 2020, 07:08
» by malone
CAN - why please? 2 davidbuderim 31st January 2020, 01:04
» by trebornotlaw
Silver Screen clue 4 malcolmxword 30th January 2020, 20:38
» by nick
Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 3 ollyblue 30th January 2020, 18:16
» by ollyblue
Colours Quiz 3 minnime 30th January 2020, 18:08
» by escher
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