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Crossword 4 johnc1 2nd May 2020, 20:33
» by malone
ST4900 6 lindal 2nd May 2020, 15:35
» by lindal
British Birds 7 myla 2nd May 2020, 14:05
» by chrise
YP1783 3 yorkie 2nd May 2020, 13:43
» by yorkie
TIMES 27,654 4 gooner 2nd May 2020, 11:47
» by gooner
YP 1783 3 linton 2nd May 2020, 11:32
» by linton
Peer Review 435 78 malcolmxword 2nd May 2020, 09:45
» by fieryjack
Telegraph Toughie 2429 1 strangelybrown 1st May 2020, 20:30
» by chrise
TIMES MONTHLY SPECIAL MAY 2020 3 tatters 1st May 2020, 19:35
» by lecrack
EV 1432 32 alwayspuzzled 1st May 2020, 18:18
» by malone
If you're feeling in need of cheering up in the lockdown... 0 kt17 1st May 2020, 00:17
» by kt17
Spectator 2455 2 will37 30th April 2020, 23:28
» by will37
Crossword 1 johnc1 30th April 2020, 19:50
» by spoffy
CLUELESS 472 57 hannah 30th April 2020, 17:13
» by jws
Times 27652 2 anriard 30th April 2020, 10:16
» by anriard
Times 27,648 Parse please 2 kfirst 30th April 2020, 08:07
» by kfirst
i Cryptic 2879 5 diablos 30th April 2020, 07:23
» by diablos
Times Cryptic 1435 9 despard 29th April 2020, 21:26
» by malone
Saturday 25th April Giant crossword 2 billyboy22 29th April 2020, 14:13
» by malone
Can you see the wood for the trees 12 sweetpea6 29th April 2020, 13:42
» by bazza
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