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Mega mix clue 17a 2 old tom 10th May 2020, 16:15
» by old tom
Linkword 6 rays 10th May 2020, 14:58
» by rays
alphapuzzle sunday 3 manudave 10th May 2020, 13:14
» by rusty
Just struggling with 1a. 2 davidp 10th May 2020, 13:00
» by davidp
Who else has been quietly going on as long as Azed? 0 kt17 10th May 2020, 12:17
» by kt17
Spectator 2456 2 solidair123 10th May 2020, 12:01
» by solidair123
PEER REVIEW 435 88 paul 10th May 2020, 11:37
» by fieryjack
genius 203 36 prospero 10th May 2020, 10:34
» by prospero
Can you see the wood for the trees 3 jaycee47 9th May 2020, 18:49
» by jaycee47
TIMES 27,660 3 gooner 9th May 2020, 16:51
» by malone
Pronunciation 4 parallelogram 9th May 2020, 15:41
» by chrise
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1439 7 anriard 9th May 2020, 14:16
» by merryphil
alphapuzzle sat 4 manudave 9th May 2020, 13:58
» by rusty
A local quiz 0 brahan 9th May 2020, 13:27
» by brahan
ft16472 3 loubyloo10 9th May 2020, 13:15
» by loubyloo10
Wee Stinker 4 mildred 9th May 2020, 12:33
» by malone
Got a few to do 3 jaycee47 9th May 2020, 12:08
» by paul
Spectator 2456 14 kt17 9th May 2020, 10:59
» by piffleworthy
D.Mail mini cryptic Saturday 2 garyg 9th May 2020, 10:05
» by garyg
i Cryptic 2886 5 diablos 8th May 2020, 11:35
» by diablos
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