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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Weekend Peer Review 86 53 tyke51 29th June 2021, 00:16
» by fieryjack
Eye 705 17 lwo 28th June 2021, 22:31
» by malone
Times 28014 5 penda 28th June 2021, 21:56
» by penda
Times Jumbo 1505 2 strangelybrown 28th June 2021, 19:20
» by strangelybrown
ST 4961 7 steve 28th June 2021, 12:48
» by steve
Everyman 3,898 41 geeker 28th June 2021, 12:15
» by jono
Skeleton 6 birthday girl 28th June 2021, 10:27
» by myla
Saturday Express Alpha puzzle 2 landy 27th June 2021, 20:00
» by landy
Axed 2559 3 eviltony 27th June 2021, 19:59
» by eviltony
Local Cryptic 1 jadzia49 27th June 2021, 07:52
» by mattrom
Guardian Prize 28,482 64 brendan 27th June 2021, 00:06
» by roof
Local Crossword 5 brahan 26th June 2021, 20:16
» by brahan
Scotsman 8 tomshieboy 26th June 2021, 17:29
» by brendan
Linkword 9 rays 26th June 2021, 15:39
» by loge
Trade Mag. 4 yorkie 26th June 2021, 14:01
» by jono
RT 24 4 dandybandy 26th June 2021, 13:39
» by loge
LISTENER 4665 18 malone 26th June 2021, 12:00
» by lexawkward
YP 1843 2 linton 26th June 2021, 10:15
» by linton
Explanation help please 2 rog62 26th June 2021, 09:44
» by rog62
Times 28013 1 paulhabershon 26th June 2021, 08:50
» by chrise
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