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weapons or things associated with them 11 brainless 19th December 2017, 11:23
» by nemo
Guardian 27 382 3 april 19th December 2017, 06:59
» by malone
Times jumbo 1298 2 crosser 18th December 2017, 22:06
» by crosser
Wee Stinker 36 john 18th December 2017, 21:48
» by arremmay
CryptiC 1298 6 janiceh 18th December 2017, 21:17
» by elle
christmas XW RTE Guide 4 kate 18th December 2017, 19:17
» by malone
sat star 16 dec giant football crossword 5 sandie 18th December 2017, 18:59
» by albie
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 18th December 2017, 18:54
» by rusty
Guardian Genius 174 38 bunty 18th December 2017, 18:24
» by david w
Dm monday 2 peg y don 18th December 2017, 16:16
» by djawhufc
Mephisto 2990 Bottom right corner again! 1 hilkin 18th December 2017, 15:20
» by xwordfan
Times Jumbo 1296 6 bigdave1954 18th December 2017, 14:09
» by despard
Cryptic 1296 2 despard 18th December 2017, 14:06
» by despard
Jumbo Cryptic 1298 2 ftsalmon 18th December 2017, 12:56
» by ftsalmon
The week 1086 2 tinkertony 18th December 2017, 11:37
» by cerasus
Independent 1 tinkertony 18th December 2017, 11:35
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2141 6 diablos 18th December 2017, 10:46
» by cerasus
Times 26,910 2 rocketman 18th December 2017, 10:04
» by rocketman
Herald GK 6 cathndave 18th December 2017, 09:32
» by john
Times 26910 3 hal o the wynd 18th December 2017, 08:40
» by rusty
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