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ST 4777 3 simmo 17th December 2017, 11:45
» by simmo
IQ 1521 - NOT A SERIES? 10 jazzlover42 17th December 2017, 11:30
» by jazzlover42
ST 4777 4 hallgreening 17th December 2017, 11:14
» by hallgreening
i 2140 5 bellandme 17th December 2017, 10:41
» by mikey
Oldie Genius 356 1 ken 17th December 2017, 10:38
» by rossim
sunday express skeleton cryptic 3 alanjames 17th December 2017, 10:30
» by brendan
times cryptic jumbo 1298 3 grahamr 17th December 2017, 09:12
» by grahamr
times cryptic jumbo1298 3 rina 17th December 2017, 08:05
» by brendan
inquisitor 1520 2 ludo 17th December 2017, 03:25
» by brendan
Times 26,910 9 brendan 16th December 2017, 21:10
» by malone
Guardian prize 16th today 27 sallymac 16th December 2017, 20:31
» by sallymac
Cryptic 1298 9 lucyb7 16th December 2017, 19:26
» by malone
Cryptic 1298 0 lucyb7 16th December 2017, 18:45
» by lucyb7
part of a flower 1 jul 16th December 2017, 17:37
» by jacknatter
LINKWORD 3 rays 16th December 2017, 17:07
» by cerasus
TLS 1205 5 xwordfan 16th December 2017, 16:45
» by xwordfan
habitat 2 jul 16th December 2017, 16:05
» by malone
YP 1659 2 cooks07 16th December 2017, 15:50
» by cooks07
I cryptic 2 thomas 16th December 2017, 15:43
» by thomas
Alpha puzzle 2 yidreg77 16th December 2017, 15:32
» by yidreg77
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