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Jumbo 1364 4 despard 1st February 2019, 10:33
» by despard
peer review 371 0 penda 1st February 2019, 10:10
» by penda
A pinch of sand will make it dry 10 madam 1st February 2019, 09:14
» by madam
Times 2726113d 6 63acornwall 31st January 2019, 20:03
» by chips
Daily Mail Thursday 2 brianheslop 31st January 2019, 14:23
» by brianheslop
metro cryptic 30 jan 3 whetstone 31st January 2019, 13:21
» by whetstone
Another metro cryptic 30 Jan 2 whetstone 31st January 2019, 13:13
» by whetstone
i Cryptic 2490 6 diablos 31st January 2019, 11:00
» by malone
Inquisitor 1579 15 mjk 31st January 2019, 09:13
» by tomsdad
CLUELESS 408 31 paul 31st January 2019, 04:09
» by dorrien
RTE Guide no. 6 4 laurel 30th January 2019, 22:33
» by brendan
SAGA CRYPTIC 4 ian 30th January 2019, 21:19
» by malone
Famous Williams (bill Willie etc) 2 spags52 30th January 2019, 14:55
» by spags52
Times jumbo cryptic 1364 3 st.hubbins 30th January 2019, 14:52
» by st.hubbins
i Cryptic 2489 8 diablos 30th January 2019, 11:33
» by cerasus
times ju mbo 1364 51ac 2 penda 29th January 2019, 21:27
» by chrise
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 29th January 2019, 17:49
» by cerasus
DR Funday tuesday 5 theresa 29th January 2019, 17:45
» by cerasus
Scotsman3328 2 jude52s 29th January 2019, 13:07
» by stevie gee
i Cryptic 2488 10 diablos 29th January 2019, 11:06
» by cerasus
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