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Times today 24223 2 des 12th May 2009, 18:10
» by des
Games (Quiz) 16 marie 12th May 2009, 17:27
» by jimc
solving clue sunday mail you magazine 5 trish 12th May 2009, 16:56
» by trish
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 12th May 2009, 13:36
» by pooksahib
Times Crossword 24,221 10 amy 12th May 2009, 12:31
» by amy
Times Cryptic Jumbo 814 5 diana 12th May 2009, 12:13
» by trevor
Azed 1928 9 jerry 12th May 2009, 10:53
» by jerry
Mephisto 2541 22 jerry 12th May 2009, 09:51
» by spud
You Magazine. 10th May 3 lizzie 12th May 2009, 08:44
» by caravaggio
Enigmatic Variations 1 johnr 12th May 2009, 00:53
» by big dave
Irish MoS C/W 407 yes i,m in trouble again. 3 rufina stephenson 11th May 2009, 23:58
» by john (from arran)
Independent on Sunday 3 exigo 11th May 2009, 22:57
» by exigo
Times 24.221 8 april 11th May 2009, 22:36
» by april
You Magazine Crossword no; 1,125 3 em 11th May 2009, 20:21
» by em
mos lancelot 4 krisstoff 11th May 2009, 19:09
» by krisstoff
Commercial Break Quiz 2 suesan 11th May 2009, 19:05
» by suesan
Put Your Hous in Order 8 shirley knott 11th May 2009, 13:04
» by mamya
RT20 last two clues 4 deekay 11th May 2009, 09:28
» by deekay
MoS C/W No: 1385 I need your help prople. 3 rufina stephenson 11th May 2009, 00:28
» by mamya
You Magazine Crossword no; 1,125 1 em 10th May 2009, 22:05
» by mamya
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