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S. Times 4328 2 eleanormcn 10th May 2009, 21:54
» by eleanormcn
everyman3267 3 steve l 10th May 2009, 21:06
» by steve l
Irish Mail On Sunday 4 toastcake 10th May 2009, 20:53
» by toastcake
Spectrum crossword 1079 4 suziem 10th May 2009, 20:09
» by suziem
times club monthly 5 layla 10th May 2009, 20:03
» by layla
Daily Mail Giant 2 kath 10th May 2009, 19:32
» by kath
Daily Telegraph 9 May 3 digby stephenson 10th May 2009, 19:32
» by charlie may
Macmillan Cancer Support - phrases 21 suesan 10th May 2009, 18:58
» by suesan
Times Jumbo 814 6 chris 10th May 2009, 18:11
» by trevor
Bare Bones -10.5 1 janeg 10th May 2009, 17:45
» by trevor
help please 2 alice 10th May 2009, 15:00
» by john (from arran)
put your house in order 2 elmer 10th May 2009, 15:00
» by elmer
Puzzled 1 puzzled 10th May 2009, 14:48
» by trevor
cryptic crossword 2 mollie 10th May 2009, 14:48
» by mollie
Stumped !! 1 dawn 10th May 2009, 14:44
» by trevor
Does six by five refer to the name of a sport? 2 charles 10th May 2009, 14:36
» by charles
Times 24,221 from Saturday 1 pezbuin 10th May 2009, 14:11
» by trevor
saturday stumper 3 sheila 10th May 2009, 13:03
» by sheila
Dogs- Mans Best Friend 6 girlalone 10th May 2009, 11:54
» by girlalone
DT 25924 2 ash 10th May 2009, 10:25
» by ash
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