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Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 2 ollyblue 5th March 2019, 19:16
» by ollyblue
Alphapuzzle help 3 landy 5th March 2019, 18:09
» by landy
Times jumbo 1369 4 mary6 5th March 2019, 16:48
» by mary6
herald clootie 2019 11 conifer 5th March 2019, 16:46
» by conifer
Linkword 4 rays 5th March 2019, 16:06
» by rossim
I Cryptic 2518 18 diablos 5th March 2019, 11:57
» by david w
Listener 4544 53 cockie 5th March 2019, 10:57
» by deadlypun
The Week 1147 3 halifaxandrew 5th March 2019, 08:01
» by rusty
The oldie 372 3 solidair123 5th March 2019, 01:57
» by brendan
Herald Clootie ... 0 seamus, ayrshire 4th March 2019, 21:49
» by seamus, ayrshire
Mail 16003 4 strangelybrown 4th March 2019, 19:44
» by brendan
Everyman 3777 2 kate62 4th March 2019, 16:58
» by cerasus
Enigmatic Variations 1372 6 son1ofrover1 4th March 2019, 16:04
» by williamseal
Sunday Crossword 4 sharper 4th March 2019, 15:22
» by sharper
Everyman 3777 3 stroller 4th March 2019, 13:52
» by stroller
Stuck on ST 4840 2 steve 4th March 2019, 11:33
» by steve
Times Jumbo 1369 5 rocketman 4th March 2019, 11:33
» by shooty
Wee Stinker 19 weethinker 4th March 2019, 10:40
» by annobrain
Imes Jumbo 1369 2 happysaturdays 4th March 2019, 10:05
» by lumen
Times2jumbo 1369 2 madam 4th March 2019, 08:55
» by madam
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