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AZED 2440 4 dobbo 17th March 2019, 12:31
» by wintonian
Everyman 3779 8 zenithmelodron 17th March 2019, 12:17
» by elle
Everyman 2 thomas 17th March 2019, 12:04
» by elle
Everyman 3779 4 sue d 17th March 2019, 11:30
» by sue d
Sunday Post Cryptic 2 blueberry 17th March 2019, 10:34
» by blueberry
genius 189 54 prospero 17th March 2019, 07:40
» by springy
viz 284 nsfw 2 bonytony 17th March 2019, 06:48
» by bonytony
PEER REVIEW 377 76 kt17 17th March 2019, 00:57
» by paul
Saturday star 3 babs 16th March 2019, 21:08
» by babs
Herald GK752 2 andyb 16th March 2019, 17:59
» by andyb
DR £150 4 theresa 16th March 2019, 15:46
» by malone
Linkword 3 rays 16th March 2019, 15:16
» by rays
DR 16.3 19 1 theresa 16th March 2019, 15:11
» by malone
i Cryptic 2528 7 diablos 16th March 2019, 13:52
» by malone
YP1724 2 yorkie 16th March 2019, 09:18
» by yorkie
Viz 284 (NSFW) 11 rbqc 16th March 2019, 01:10
» by brendan
Superquick 897 5 wontel 15th March 2019, 20:02
» by wontel
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 2 ollyblue 15th March 2019, 19:13
» by ollyblue
Daily Mail Thurs 6 mgaboy47 15th March 2019, 13:49
» by mgaboy47
i Cryptic 2527 6 diablos 15th March 2019, 12:49
» by diablos
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