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RTE Guide 12 2 misec 15th March 2019, 11:56
» by misec
ST4841 7 magpie9 15th March 2019, 09:15
» by magpie9
Peer review - Would anyone mind if I... 5 kt17 14th March 2019, 22:09
» by kt17
Listener Crossword 4545 25 dylan 14th March 2019, 17:12
» by mullingar
OPC Xword 3 epsh42 14th March 2019, 17:01
» by scorpiojo
Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 2 ollyblue 14th March 2019, 17:01
» by ollyblue
Things with wheels 5 brainless 14th March 2019, 16:58
» by brainless
Daily Mail Wednesday 3 brianheslop 14th March 2019, 16:24
» by malone
i Cryptic 2526 8 diablos 14th March 2019, 13:41
» by cerasus
CLUELESS 414 36 bigbadmarty2 14th March 2019, 00:09
» by mattrom
Private Eye 646 3 siredwardwatkin 13th March 2019, 19:25
» by siredwardwatkin
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1370 3 sandorable 13th March 2019, 17:15
» by sandorable
alphapuzzle wed 5 manudave 13th March 2019, 13:20
» by scorpiojo
i Cryptic 2525 4 diablos 13th March 2019, 12:56
» by cerasus
I cryptic 3 thomas 13th March 2019, 10:13
» by malone
DM 12th cannot parse 7 clarkgwent 13th March 2019, 10:04
» by stevea6000
Evening Standard 27 Feb !! 5 63acornwall 13th March 2019, 09:49
» by 63acornwall
daily record 4 theresa 12th March 2019, 18:16
» by brendan
Mephisto 3054 5 farr 12th March 2019, 16:15
» by chrise
alphapuzzle tues 6 manudave 12th March 2019, 13:55
» by rossim
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